segunda-feira, 22 de maio de 2017

New Zealand - P.I. New Zealand's Group - Teachers Pri and Ananda

Our group's name is New Zealand!
This country is wonderful and full of nature.

We'd done some research about this country...
New Zealand has no poluttion!
There are more sheep than people...

Kiwi bird represents the country... 

...and discovered that it's beautiful and full of good things!

We found the New Zealand on the map!

On our Theater class we reflect on taking care of our country too...

 We are taking care about the Planet Earth and on marine life...

 We made two oceans...
one clean and another dirty.

We observed wich marine animals were happy and sad to stick on the poster...

We made some warnings about take care the water!

We learned a lot from the country of the New Zealand!

Take care of the Planet Earth!
Kisses with love,
Teachers Pri and Ananda.

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